Pork Packs
Want to try some ethically raised, heritage breed pork?
We do our best to give our pigs the best lives possible, out on pasture with shade, wallows, friends and lots of interesting logs and trees to investigate, chew and scratch on. In addition to pasture and cover crops, they are fed a ration of fermented grains with a mineral supplement twice a day and there are the extra snacks of course!
Click the button below to be notified when our next pork packs will be available to order. For more information check out our frequently asked questions below.

frequently asked questions
How often are your packs available?
We anticipate our packs will be available 3 to 4 times per year. As we improve our facilities we may be able to offer our packs more frequently.
How much are the pork packs?
Packs are sold as either half or full pig packs. Pork is priced at $18 per kg for hanging weight. This means the price is calculated on the hanging carcass weight BEFORE it is processed into its individual cuts. $18/kg covers basic cuts, with additional costs for specialty items such as sausages and hams/bacon or specialty packaging. Any additional costs are detailed on the cut sheet.
What is the average weight of a pork pack?
The hanging weight of our pigs is usually between 35 and 50kg, this means a half pig pack could be anywhere from 18kg up to 25kg. When ordering a pack there is an option to request a pack from a smaller or larger pig depending on your needs.
Pickup or Delivery?
How do I purchase a pack?
Click on the order button above - to be directed to our online shop where order forms are available. If there are no packs currently in-stock, you have the option to register your interest for the next pork pack sale. Registering your interest will give you access to pre-sale availability of the next packs before they are made available online.
Why does the weight of my pork pack differ from the weight used to calculate the price of my pack?
Pack price is calculated on hanging weight, before any further processing into individual cuts. Depending on what cuts you select for your pack, the weight will change - consider the difference in weight between a bone in-roast compared to a bone-less roast. It is the same amount of pork but the end weight is different..
Where are your pigs processed?
Our pigs are transported by trailer to Maclagan Meats, in Maclagan QLD. We chose Maclagan Meats because they are a small, locally owned abattoir, with quick processing times so our pigs experience the least stress possible.
Pickup is available directly at the Maclagan butcher or delivery arrangements can be organised between Toowoomba and Brisbane.